It has been officially kicked off … THE DREAM REEL 2.0 effort to help David is on! We hope you can create a blitz and lend support to get this charity effort off to a great start (with strong ending results) for this amazing young man!

If you do any or all of the following, your contribution and support will be of tremendously help:

  • Option 1: Donate $10: Get one chance to win THE DREAM REEL 2.0. Donate $20: Double your chances…. and so on. You get the drift! Remember, we CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU!

  • Option 2: Share this page with your friends on all your social media pages or forums you belong to and ask them to support for the greater good.

  • Option 3: Buy anything from DAVID’S PAGE and we will apply $10 of your purchase to our effort for David [$5 from you/$5 from us], on your behalf. This also means that you will be entered to win THE DREAM REEL 2.0. [Important: Additional items will be added throughout this effort so return to this page often.]

  • Option 4: Do 2 of 3 listed above, or do all of the above and your support will go a long way.

A LITTLE FROM ALL OF US EQUALS A LOT IN THE END! So, anything you can do to help us spread the word and HELP DAVID will go a long, long way. Your help is sincerely appreciated by his parents Greg and Vera, brothers Gage and Jake, and his sister Katie … and all of us.

You are a quality person if you support in any way possible … and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

If you did not read his story, please take 3 minutes or less to do so by clicking here. Then return to support.
