Handcrafting your reel for you.
Looking for a ZeeBaaS of your own? Wondering why you can't find them in a shop? The answer is simple: we don't mass-produce our reels and we are not a commodity product made on a production floor overseas by unfamiliar hands. We build each reel one at a time, by hand, with the care required to guarantee pure performance for a reel of this caliber.
We made it easy to Build Your Z. Simply sending us your specs (click here: Build Your Z) or call us at 203.345.7000.
We work in conjunction with only a very few select dealers so if you call a shop or see them promoting our brand, and they're pushing another brand on you, don’t be misled. It’s apparent that we are not working with them and they’re HOOKING YOU. Some dealers are promoting our reels, leading you to call them, and then they try to sell you on a mass-produced reel they paid for and have sitting on their shelves. Some call that sales tactics, but we call it unethical BS. You are an educated consumer and you know what YOU want, don’t settle for less.
Call us or fill out the simple Build Your Z form.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Follow up on Instagram @zeebaasreels