ZeeBaaS Custom Wood Reel Box

ZeeBaaS Custom Wood Reel Box


When it comes to quality, this is like the icing on the cake. What’s in side is great, but what’s outside helps create the entire package! We partnered with the Wakefield Brothers (from JL Wakefield & Son’s) to design a box that you can house your ZeeBaaS Fishing Reel in. They are located in Philadelphia, have a quality cabinetry and woodworking shop with tremendous attention to detail, they are passionate anglers, and they truly enjoy helping others.

This is our Premium ZeeBaaS Fishing Reel Box hand-crafted from 5/8th maple with dovetail joints and a CNC Z logo, hand-sanded and assembled, stained and clear coated with inset magnets to hold the cover in a super clean design.

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